Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What is my motivation?

Last night the Perspectives speaker spoke on what motivates us to be missionaries. While my motives are good, they may not be what is preeminent--love for Jesus and an all consuming desire for His fame to be spread among all people. I need to do some soul searching. I do desire to see all people come to know and worship Him, but I am also powerfully motivated by compassion and passion for the sick, the orphaned, the discouraged and the hungry. I am going to dissect my heart and again ask God to break my heart with what breaks His and lead me in the perfect way He has for me.


At 1:55 AM , Blogger Evelyn, Grandmom said...

I will pray for you to that end. I know my heart, and your heart, can be deceitful, and it's not easy to do ANYTHING out of pure motives. I need the same self-examination. Thanks for sharing that. Love,


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