Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Advances in Medicine?

Do not read this if you are easily disgusted.

Today's nursing lecture taught me two very surprising treatments for chronic wounds. Leeches and maggots can be placed in non-healing wounds to remove necrotic tissue, infection and to improve blood supply. Even more personally alarming to me is that in NW Arkansas there is a good chance that I will have to perform one of these treatments within the scope of nursing practice. I shiver at the thought.

I'm reminded of the use of blood letting and leaches in ancient times. Have we really come so far? In lecture today we learned that these leaches and maggots may be used when various types of advanced treatments, medications and special bandages fail.

We are taught to develop a poker face in nursing--a never let 'em see you sweat--kind of thing. Those of you who know me well will realize that I do not have that skill. My face and body language show my thoughts, affections, revulsion, disappointments, pleasure, etc. I welcome your advice and any psychological tricks you are aware of on how to develop that control to keep a neutral face.


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