Tuesday, October 16, 2007

St. Mary's Hospital

During two and a half days of orientation last week I was inspired and impressed by the outlook of the St. Mary's Hospital and Mercy Administration on their perspective of what they do. They see the hard work of running Mercy clinics and the hospital as a ministry, not a job.

I am not so naive to think that everyone employed by Mercy Health Systems views what they do that way--but knowing that some of them do, makes me excited to work among them.

Today I spent 12 hours working in the nursery. The RN there (with me more in the way than actually helpful) cared for three infants born yesterday and two really new ones born during our shift. During the first day of their lives one of the Mercy pastors came and prayed for the infants and pronounced a blessing over their lives. I was moved beyond words with silent tears running down my face when the prayers ended.

I am honored to work for an organization that recognizes the Creator and His involvement in the lives of all people.

"Lord, make me a channel of thy peace,...that where there is despair, I may bring hope, that where there are shadows, I may bring light." --St. Francis


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