Pastor Bulis
Pastor Bulis is a recent addition to our SIM Sudan health project team. I think he makes more of a difference than any of us--ministering to the spirits of our patients.
He speaks to the waiting crowd each morning as we prepare to begin seeing patients. He sometimes shares from his heart and sometimes using a picture book to tell Bible stories. During the remainder of the clinic day he visits with individual patients and families who are very sick, have had to return to the clinic multiple times, have STIs and need counseling, etc. He will even walk to homes of patients who need follow-up care and remind them to come to see us. He sits with and visits families who have had deaths. He has a heart of gold: gentle, humble, patient, loving, Godly, wise and faithful. I'm so thankful he has been added to our team. He has the time and the freedom to do more of the kind of ministry that we nurse missionaries dream of having some day.
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