Last night I visited a Community Group with my Togolese friend Bamela. There I met two people who have a passion for doing medical missions in Africa. My heart connected instantly with theirs. I so long for the day when I am serving God on the African continent—there is a restlessness in me that will not be quieted until I am there. My spirit burns within me. When I am in the presence of like-minded people there is a quiet giddiness in me.
Here is a photo of Bamela and me at his graduation celebration last summer. He earned his second masters’ degree in Education that day. It is intriguing to me that I would have known these new acquaintances had it not been for Bamela’s friendship. God works in unexpected ways.
"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world." C.S. Lewis