Sunday, July 18, 2010

Strange sites in Africa

There are many interesting and some scary things to be seen here...

This guy was in front of the Malakal airport

Cracks in the ground in dry Malakal. It is rather precarious to walk here at night without a torch.

These guys are everywhere--Their work is to decrease the insect population.

This guy comes to your table when the food arrives. Most "restaurants" are open air.

Goats scale fences and sheep have long fat tails

Tiny bugs built this--they also tear down wooden houses bite by bite.


Carra and Griffens. Carra is the house girl for the SIM guesthouse in Northwestern Kenya. She is 13 and her father has begun looking for her husband. She wants to get some education and wait to marry.

Turkana lady at church in Lokichoggio

Beautiful Northern Kenyan children

The SIM guest house in Lokichoggio

The Mountains (I have forgotten their name) on the border of Kenya and Sudan

The Lokichoggio airstrip was used much by the military during the war in Sudan. There are multiple disabled planes like this one deteriorating and giving evidence of the trouble just five years ago. There are "No Cameras" signs around and it is illegal to take photos on the airport grounds. This was taken from just outside. : )
The road to the SIM property

Termites built this!

SIM guesthouse hostess and logistics person, Leah and her son, Griffins

Lokichoggio, or "Loki" is a portal for entry into Sudan/Kenya located close to the border. The primary tribe is the Turkana. Many NGOs, including SIM use the airstrip as they go into do relief, development and missionary work in Sudan. I've spent three nights at the guesthouse in Loki on my way into Sudan on two occasions. At this time there are no commercial flights into my part of Sudan so we overnight in Loki for a charter flight to take us to the Doro dirt airstrip just a short walk from our tukuls. Doro pics will be coming soon. I'm so busy with the work, learning, adjusting, etc. that I've not taken time to upload photos yet.