First Exams
Today we took our first exams. All of them are comprehensive, so this initial exam over 20 or so chapters in five different textbooks, covers the least amount of material I will have on any exam for the next 15 months. Feeling the pressure.
Logically it seems that all professors would conduct comprehensive exams--for what value is knowledge if it is learned only for a period and discarded in to an irretrievable format in our brains. But alas, for my many years of college, almost all of my exams have been over the limited amount of material most recently covered in class. I have become accustomed to that lazy way of learning. I am glad, if a bit anxious, regarding this new higher expectation.
One of my classmates, Sabre, and I were interviewed for the college paper about the Access Program and our impressions of it. I was excited about the opportunity as I thought I would get to talk about God, but the interview was quite short. I do not know what the content will include. It it is of any interest, I will post it. Sabre too, plans to do medical missions.
Tip for the week: Hand washing is the single most effective way to reduce the transmission of infectious agents. So simple.